Fear of Happiness ~ Finding Happiness Within You

Dec 1, 2010

Fear of Happiness

You walk around like a dark cloud is hanging directly over your head...No ones seems to want to stay near you for long. The crowd is what you are lost in. Happiness is so far away, because life is just a cycle that goes around and around. There is no path to the light, because you are not changing. Not changing the way of your thinking, not allowing yourself to shift. To shift inside and feel just a little bit of happiness, because you fear that you won't get as much attention.
Fear of  Happiness
Your shadow is telling you to keep in the dark, because it's warm and cozy. Really the snake is in the grass, creeping closer and closer and weaving it's ugly thoughts through your mind. As your mind gets intoxicated with the snake's dark essence you lose what promises you had for yourself.
You keep on telling yourself that you will change, but really you have no idea where to start. You fear happiness...


The only way to let the snake unfold and to get it to pull away from you is through the action of love. Love is an essence the snake does not like. Love has light and the snake likes it dark and hiding. It likes to be sly and creep and you can't do that in light. Keep think love, love your dog, your cat or just pull out your favorite photograph of you or your best friend and remember the love. Say "I love you" to yourself in the mirror and say until you laugh. Don't fear happiness, fear the darkness of your thoughts. The snake wants you to fear happiness, so he can stay. Stop and think about the time you fell and really hurt yourself, who was there to love you. Think about that person now. Don't let any negative thoughts come in. Do this every day for 5 minutes and enjoy loving essence. You will find people will come to you with loving words and loving thoughts will come more often to your mind.
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