By staying present...
What do I mean by staying present?
It just sounds too simple...
Well, while I'm doing this I'm here sitting at my computer writing.
I must be present... Right here, right now.
Thinking about staying present is kind of a strange way of thinking, because we are all present!
So does that mean I just acknowledge the fact that I am right here, right now?
Yes in fact it puts present into thought, because you are not worrying about yourself or others. You are truly thinking about where you are right here, right now.
This is just really the beginning of this kind of recognition.
When we are aware of our surroundings and what we are doing in our surrounds, you have that moment. Then when you think about how you feel this moment you label it as good or bad or boring or hating it! When this happens you are not present anymore! You brain has moved on to a new thought in which it is used to...Judging the moment
If I'm at my computer and I'm thinking.. "I can't write this!"...Chances are the very thing I write will be boring, unsuccessful if anything at all.
Staying present is getting rid of thoughts that repeat through your mind, thoughts that are fearful, give you anxiety, sad, mean, bad...All of these thoughts are obsessive thoughts and negative thinking and do not serve you well if you want a happy life.
Happiness being me promotes good healthy thinking, but there is another way to bypass negative thought and that's living present and focusing on what you are doing at the moment. Once success happens in that moment automatically positive thinking starts. And...That's good!

Like a waterfall has to fall and reach the water and flow down the river and bypass some rocks, carve through the land, and reach a destination like a lake where it is still present.
It is just there.
The was no friction(negative and obsessive thoughts) because there where no thoughts that came into the moment of present. A waterfall does what a waterfall does and so on, unless humans come to interrupt this by putting in a dam or something of that nature. But still that waterfall or water will still flow through a path of present.
People who learn to stay present are still live their life happily and normally, but instead they are like the waterfall. These people go directly to where they want to go in life, because there is no friction...No negative or obsessive thoughts!
There is beauty in watching something flow to perfection and we've all seen it...
The ice skater that has mastered perfection, or the piece of art, the book, the wine, a structure. All of these come from the very center of your universe (YOU), with no negative thought added to it.

Here is anther example:
A flower starts from the ground and grows and opens and shows itself to the world and then dies. It happens so perfectly, because it lived present the whole time.
- It didn't say I'm a flower that is going to die or live. It is just there.
- It didn't think about the past or present. It is just there.
- It didn't change direction and go back, it is just there.
It went straight down the path it was suppose to.
So here's an exercise for you.I want you to pretend that you are in a glass body and that you are watching yourself doing things through out your day. This is so that you don't always have to say, "I'm cooking dinner, I'm driving my car, I'm in the bathroom."
Just be conscious that you are inside this glass body and looking out at the world...
- Like the flower growing
- waterfall going to the lake
- The storm coming, the storm going...
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