The Hollow Tree ~ Finding Happiness Within You

Aug 9, 2008

The Hollow Tree

Why would I label my Post 'The Hollow Tree' ?
I will frequently be using these kinds of metaphors so that YOU can get a better idea about the things I will be talking about.

Part of this post I'm going to talk about something that has nothing to do with who YOU really are, because we are only going to talk about the outside... The part that we can see.
Just like a tree, we can only talk about the outside, because that is all we can see. You are like a tree, you have a body that is basically the same as all other humans, just like a tree is... basically... like all other trees.
I don't mean to sound so disheartened about the nature of both the TREE and YOURSELF, but when YOU put so much emphasis FIRST, on the exterior of something. YOU lose the concept of what is inside.
Like a tree, YOU don't know what is going on inside. YOU just see that the tree is nice or that it does all those things a tree is suppose to do. Like... take away pollution or give us shade. The tree is so much more than that... And it knows it.

I bet YOU worry all the time about what you look like... And about what YOU look like to other people, or about the kind of car you drive or the kind of house you live in. You may even get anxieties from the lack of this! OR maybe YOU worry about looking too old or to young or too fat or too thin...I could go on... This is not YOU...
How could this be you? YOU never worried when you were a tiny baby! YOU just needed to be cared for properly and loved. That is all.
YOU can't argue with that, although... you might want to. Your underdeveloped ego was not ruling the YOU then. It was the real YOU... Then something went terribly wrong...

The YOU got taken over by the Ego that YOU thought was the real YOU!

But all along it has always been the ego...Not you...

There was a tree... People walked by it everyday. The tree really didn't care about what it looked like. It was doing what it was suppose to do. It was living life in JOY on the earth, keeping our earth in happiness. Then one day a person walked by that tree and said, "Boy that tree is beautiful, it is so big and old!" Most people would walk by and love the look of the tree and love the shade that it brought. The tree became a popular tree to sit or picnic under. The beauty of the tree was really not why people came to it, it was because how it made the things that went near the tree feel. The tree felt really good having so much positive feelings around, it attracted more people, animals, insects and birds. All were living and feeling really good just being. All were in harmony.

Until one day someone who was mindlessly sitting and enjoying the tree, heard a thought or maybe it was a voice inside her head that said, " Please... I'm old... Cut me down!" and then a, "I'm afraid I won't be able to stand much longer."
Every time that that person sat under the tree she would hear the same thought. So finally she looked at the tree very carefully and saw that the animals that used the tree were going inside. It was HOLLOW in a big way.

Stress started to come to everything that encountered the tree. Even some of the creatures went and made new homes elsewhere. Less people enjoyed the tree, because the tree would leave so much mess from fallen bark and branches. Some people ignored the tree, while others started to pay attention to what they felt from the tree. More people started to see what was on the inside and felt the stress of the old tree. For the first time ever you could actually hear a wine that the tree was making. The tree believed if it didn't get cut down soon, it may not be able to hold itself up and endanger someones life. It cared.
Other people believed that they heard the same thoughts. One person listened so well that he heard the tree say that she would leave her baby to grow in her place. So after much contemplation between people, the tree was finally cut down.
Low and behold there at the bottom of the tree in a mess of sticks was a tiny tree growing in it's place.
NOW people feel good...Nobody really lost anything. They still feel the spirit of the old tree inside and enjoy NOW the new tree.

Had the tree been in a woods surrounded by nature then it would of just fallen on it's own and not had to communicate these feelings to humans. There is NOW a beautiful spirit of the old tree, with the baby tree there... YOU can feel it there and NOW YOU can feel it inside of YOU when I tell YOU this story. That is the real YOU that is feeling the feeling. YOU feel this and then it will touch the all of YOU. And then...YOU move on. I didn't have to describe the tree to YOU from the outside and YOU still felt feelings.

This is the way YOU need to change and PAY ATTENTION to what is BEING thought from the inside. Those feelings are what stops your thinking through your mind, but instead YOU mindlessly are absorbing the REAL YOU.

Today every time YOU feel an emotion whether it be sadness or joy. Let it go and stay with you for a moment without too much reaction and then breath and react as though the feeling is going through you and out.

Write down the feelings directly after that into a new little journal!

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