Open yourself to nature and challenge yourself to all the gifts it brings.
Slowly walk into the woods or in a park...Listen to the silence of the world.
I call it silence because it is the world we rarely get to hear because of all the distractions around us.
Keep peace in yourself so that your life is right there just for you.
It is not your husbands, your mothers, your fathers or sisters...It is yours!
Keep peace in your life so that you can live life for you!
While sauntering down memory lane remember the good and deal with the bad.
Say it was bad out loud and replace it with the good.
Live today living for the good and turning away from the bad.
I once heard life gets harder as you get older...
Quickly change your thoughts...
Life gets funnier, happier, lovelier and easier as you age.
Learn this and you will live and love a happy life for yourself.
Watch this video and you will know what I mean. Try Louise Hays You Can Heal Your Life
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